
My Drawings/Fan Art
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Character Profiles on My Fave anime characters
Dragonball Z info (for those who don't know alot about Dbz)
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Dragonball Z and One Piece Pics
Music and Dragonball Z Quotes(recorded)
Dragonball Z Quotes
Song Lyrics


 I'm a Dragonball Z Fanatic. I'm listnening to DBZ as I speak. Any how Search around my site, I mite add a Guest book if I can figure it out I'm trying some stuff out. So gimme a break if my site aint top notch. 

My names Ana. Anyhow I love Sport and Martial Arts and I hate those people who don't think women can do sports. I bet me and my friends would show them up easy. Depending on age of course. Sexist people I can't stand them. Women and Men are as strong as each other. Anyhow bit off topic just check out my site and sign the guest book if i have added it.

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Here I will put a Quote of some sort.
"If theres a limit I mean to reach and then overcome it"

Take The Quiz Yourself!


Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

Trunks Before his Noble Statement
"I'm going to be a smarter fighter than my dad ever was."

Created by Super_Cyp
Super_Cyp is owned by the PS2 Game Evil Twin.
Copyright 2005
Feel Free to take stuff from my site its public anyway.