1. Saiyans ok well most pure blooded Saiyans seem to like exactly like human beings they have different hair
styles and everything, but the thing that sets them aside from the human race is the fact that they become stronger after
every fight even if they lose and that they have the power at a full moon to transform into Oozaru.
Oozaru is a form of Giant ape that is much stronger than a normal saiyan, the only problem is that Oozaru usually
can't control there power so they are just a raging wild beast, rampaging through towns etc.
Super Saiyans: Alright a super saiyan is a form reached by normal saiyans by wanting it or needing it for some
particular reason, sometimes that reason becomes so strong that they will transform in to a super saiyan. A super Saiyan has
Golden Yellow hair that points straight up, There eyes become a teal colour and a golden aura can surround the super saiyan
depending on how in control they are.
Ascended Saiyan: A very powerful form were the strength greatly increases, unfortunately this makes the saiyan
quite slow because there muscles expand which slows there movements. they look like a normal super saiyan except there
muscles have become bigger.
Super Saiyan 2: A super Saiyan two is the form above Ascended. This form is incredibly powerful and has very
little flaws to it. I'd probably say the only flaw is the over confidence of the saiyan. Super Saiyan two is when a saiyans
strength and speed increases greatly. Also there hair grows slightly longer and usually only a few strands hang over there
Super Saiyan 3: A Super Saiyan Three is about twice as strong as a Super Saiyan 2, This form is extremely powerful.
When this power is reached it can only be sustained for a short amount of time. Time usually doesn't matter in this form because
the power gained could take care of almost any enemy. The saiyans hair grows longer all the way down past there arse and they
lose there eyebrows.
Golden Oozaru: A form that can only be reached if the Saiyan still has there tail or has enough bloodsuaves revealed
to them to transform as a super saiyan Oozaru. this golden form has the same form as a normal Oozaru its almost Impossible
to be controlled. This form looks like a giant ape with golden fur it's power is stronger than almost all Saiyan forms except
one SSJ4.
Super Saiyan 4: This form is the most powerful, the saiyan's power is increased so much that if they powered
up too much they could even destroy an entire planet without even breaking a sweat. Super Saiyan 4 looks like saiyan
but the hair is turned black or whatever colour there original hairstyle was, there eyes become yellow or blue and red fur
covers there arm, around there eyes and there tail. To reach this form the saiyan must be in control of The golden Oozaru
Well thats the basics on Saiyans
As you've probably figured out I'm not the best at explaining things but heres the next section on energy attacks.
Ok in Dragonball Z there are many different types of attacks most based on the fighters physical strength and
usually revolve around stamina, A last Resort in dbz for the fighters such as saiyans is usually energy attacks, they are
a last resort because the more they use the attacks the more energy it costs them and when all there energy is expelled they
will either pass out or die.
Ok this is how I believe in the Z world the attacks are pulled off, first the fighter needs a greater than average
amount of energy, so say if your human it would be much harder for you to possess the talent to create energy attacks(Krillin
is an exception, because he grew up with a saiyan)
To create energy attacks the fighter needs to understand how to control that energy first, to control the energy
they need to practice with meditation and learn to focus there skills in fighting so that they don't waste all there energy
just throwing punches and kicks.
When the fighter understands how to control energy they have to focus the enrgy to a certain point of their body(like
in Naruto the chakra exercise for climbing trees or if you don't know that then think of Dragonball Z when Gohan is teaching
Videl how to fly) once they have focussed on that point they then need to concentrarte and bring that energy out as a visual
form, so they need to visualise the energy as say a ball and then bring it out into the palm of their hand.
Dende's healing powers are a good example of focussing the energy to their hands, but his energy rather than
being focussed on destruction and being a solid object is focussed upon healing.
Attacks like the Kamehameha wave or the Galic Gun attack, are examples of the energy being focussed on being
extended and continuing on after the attack has been released.
Ok they are the basics of my explanation on energy attacks next up will be the different types of Fusion.