Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
First time meeting Krillin: We meet Krillin in the first episode. He is at Master Roshi's waiting for the arrival of Goku,
Chi-Chi and there son Gohan.
Krillin is Goku's best friend and they have known each other since they were kids.
Attacks: destructo-disk, Kamehameha.
Quotes: "Gohan I see your with you’re Girlfriend", "Nice going Mister smooth." "Its time like this I wonder...Why
didn’t I become a shoe salesman."

Race: Saiyan
Eyes: Black/green/yellow
Hair: black/blonde/red
Fusion: Vegito/Gogeta
Levels: SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, golden Oozaru, SSJ4, Ascended saiyan
first time SSJ: Goku first turned SSJ in the Frieza saga when after he shot the spirit bomb but Frieza survived he got
annoyed and shot Krillin and piccolo thus pushing Goku further than his limit and he went mental and became SSJ.
Famous lines: "Hey look Vegeta people popcorn", "Can we eat first", "Hey that's not very nice, humph glad I'm not fused
with him anymore", "giving up already well thats not the Gohan I know." "Don’t worry you’re covered I know someone
who has more money than body hair"
Memorable moments: When he first turned SSJ and went rank at Frieza. When he fought cell and helped Gohan Fight him. Using
a Super Spirit Bomb on Majin Buu.
Attacks: Kamehameha, Spirit bomb, Instant transmission, Kaioken, Super Kamehameha, Oozaru, Bukujutsu, destructo disk.
First time meeting Goku: You meet Goku at the start of dragon ball but The first time we meet him in dragonball z is in
the first episode where he arrives at master Roshi’s and every one meets his son.

Race: Half Saiyan/Half Human
Eyes: Black/Green
Hair: Black/Blonde
Levels Reached: SSJ, SSJ2 and mystic Gohan
Alias: Great SaiyaMan
First time meeting Gohan: We meet Gohan at the very start of dragonball z when Goku arrives at master Roshi’s.
First time SSJ: Gohan's first time turning super saiyan was when Goku, asked him to think of cell killing everyone he held
dear. Gohan didn't no what cell looked like so he thought of Frieza and turned SSJ for a little while. Then later on he trains
and becomes able to change SSJ easily after a lot of training in the hyperbolic time chamber.
First time turning SSJ2: Gohan first turns SSJ2 in the cell games. He goes SSJ2 because of all the anger inside him because
cell kept pushing him. Gohan transforms when cell destroys the head of android 16 who told Gohan to let it all go and he loses
it and becomes SSJ2.
Mystic Gohan:
Gohan is a teenager when he becomes mystic Gohan. He becomes it when he breaks the Z sword and releases the Elder Kai who
trains Gohan. When it is finished Gohan can turn SSJ without blonde hair he looks normal.
Famous lines: "I am SaiyaMan", "Cell You'll Pay for each one", "Android 16 you loved life I let you die I...I feel it slipping...and
I won't watch this anymore", "Leave my dad alone"
Attacks: Oozaru, Masenko Ha, Kamehameha, power pack, bukujutsu (fly) and Makosen.
Memorable Moments: Gohan’s memorable moments are when he was a little kid and Raditz was standing on Goku. So Gohan
can hear his fathers screams he says his heart screamed out each time his father screamed then he lost it and broke Raditz's
ship where he was trapped and said "leave my dad ALONE" and smashed into Raditz injuring him. Also in the cell saga when cell
is pushing Gohan harder and harder until he loses it Gohan loses it and becomes SSJ2 and he mutters to cell" what are you
afraid of cell, isn’t this what you wanted and now your scared". also in the majin buu saga when He has to save goten
and trunks because the fusion ran out of time they were defenceless he arrived and began to fight buu as well as taunting
him as he went. "Oh poor Buu Buu" example of a taunt Gohan made

Race: Human
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
First Time Meeting Videl: We first meet Videl when Gohan first goes to high school. She accuses him of being the golden
warrior. She is continuously called out to help the police.
Attacks: Bukujutsu (fly)
Quotes: "So you were the one who really beat cell...I knew my father couldn't have. He isn't capable of that strength "

Race: 1/4 saiyan, 3/4human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Levels reached: None (Why can’t Pan go Super Saiyan Its only the guys.)
First time meeting Pan: We first meet pan in the episodes after Goku has defeated Majin Buu. She is entered into the Earth
Fighting Tournament. There is no junior. division but she managed to get into the tournament. But the first time we meet her
is when Gohan is with videl and Goku is at his house pan continuously flies around the Earth.
Attacks: Kamehameha
Quotes: "Great I have a minuscule grandpa", "Why did you do it Giro why did you do it", "you want to know why you didn’t
have a reading because Giro never saw me that mad."

Race: Namekian
Eyes: Black
Hair: none
Levels reached: Super Namek
Fusions: Kami, Nail
First Time meeting Piccolo: Piccolo first appears when the fight with Raditz begins he arrives and says he wishes to team
up with Goku to beat Raditz. there attempts seemed futile but Gohan helped out. They beat Raditz so Piccolo takes Gohan away
to train him in the wilderness.
First Time Super Namek: piccolo transforms after he fuses with Kami in the cell saga piccolo uses this power to fight with
cell at his First stage.
Attacks: Masenko-Ha, Special Beam Cannon, and regeneration, Namekian Fusion.
Quotes: "No I won't let you die out there Gohan because...because you were the only one to show me what it felt like to
have a friend.", "Listen Gotenks this is a team effort and if I don’t agree"

Race: Half saiyan/Half Human
Eyes: black/green
Hair: black/blonde
Alias: Gotenks, When fused with trunks
Levels: SSJ
Transformation SSJ: goten turns SSJ for the first time when he was born but the first time we see it is in the episode
where he helps Gohan train for the tournament so he can win heaps of money for his family.
Fusion: Goten fuses with Trunks to become Gotenks who is extremely childish and his attacks are all made up but they help
to destroy Majin Buu. He transforms to SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3. Gotenks can transform to these levels because he learns extremely
Quickly so by watching Goku transform. Trunks and Goten become able to Go SSJ3 as Gotenks.
Famous lines: Hey you can't spell that word either, FU-SION-HA, C'mon let's be serious, "this is it well this isn't very
Attacks: Kamehameha, bukujutsu(fly)
First time meeting Goten: we first meet goten when Gohan is starting his first day of high school. Goten didn't get to
see Gohan all the time cos he had to go to school but Goten was taught martial arts by his mother chi chi.

Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
First Time meeting Chi-Chi: I’m not actually sure when Chi Chi appears I think it was in DragonBall but I know we
see her in the first episode of DragonBall Z
Attacks: Palm heel strike, Punch, Kick.
Quotes: "Goku... I want you to promise me Gohan will not fight", "It's not fair they deserve to know what Gohan did."

Race: half saiyan/ half human
eye colour: blue/green
Hair: Purple/Blonde Alias: Gotenks when fused with goten
Levels: SSJ, ascended Saiyan(future trunks)
First transformation SSJ (future trunks):Trunks first transformed because the anger he felt from when his mentor Gohan
was killed by the androids in the future the anger took him over the edge and he crossed the line and transformed.
first transformation SSJ: (young Trunks) Trunks he first transformed since when he could remember but the first time we
see him transform is when he’s training for the tournament with his father Vegeta.
Famous Lines: "I don’t know guess I'll go super", "I'll tell you what you can have three of my toys You pick'em",
"He did it right he increased his strength without losing speed", "Knowing buu he probably can't even spell deception"
Attacks: sword, bukujutsu (fly)
First time meeting Trunks: We first meet trunks when Gohan goes to get his great SaiyaMan suit from Bulma Trunks thinks
Gohan’s outfit looks really stupid. Well that and of course during the cell saga when he was a baby and future Trunks
was there.

Race: Half Saiyan/Half Human
Eyes: Black/Green/Blue
Hair: black and purple/blonde
Levels reached:SSJ1,SSJ2,SSJ3
First time SSJ: Gotenks first becomes a super saiyan when Goten and trunks try the Fusion as super saiyans. Gotenks has
an incredibly high ego. He is stubborn, arrogant alot like Vegeta in a way.
First time meeting Gotenks: We first meet Gotenks in the majin buu saga when Goten and trunks have been practicing the
fusion dance that Goku learned from the metamorians. After 2 failure attempts at trying to do the dance they succeeded in
making the perfect Gotenks.
Attacks: Spiking buu ball slam, splitting headache, Screaming angry wombat, nuclear kick, Raging bull, Dynamite kick, Super
ghost kamikaze attack, super ghost balloon, bukujutsu(fly),
Quotes: "If your looking for the person, who just turned you into a donut that would be me." "No no no boy make buu dead
yes yes" "he he he. Look your fat theirs no getting round it." "nice moves tubby", "its a new move fresh off the books" .
"Ha Ha normal fighting err... my best trick ever, Ha Ha" "just as you thought you were safe the super ghosts come back to
haunt you", "what in the world Buu's legs."
Memorable moments: one of the memorable moments was when Gotenks pulled buu out of his bubble after he blew him up and
grabbed the antenna and swung him around and let go and created a seismic smash into the ocean. also when he was SSJ in the
hyperbolic time chamber where buu was flying towards him from above so he bounced off the ground and jumped and flew towards
buu and headbutt's him head on.

Race: Full Blooded Saiyan
Eyes: Black, Blue
Hair: Black, Blonde
Levels Reached: SSJ1,SSJ2,SSJ4
Fusion: Gogeta, Vegito
First Time Meeting Vegeta: We first meet Vegeta exactly a year after the fight with Raditz. Vegeta is one of the ruthless
saiyans who is said to be coming to Earth to do what Kakarot did not accomplish. He was beaten by Goku from his Kaioken Technique.
They were evenly matched.
First Time SSJ: Vegeta first goes super saiyan in the Android Saga. He travels to far away planets destroying innocent
lives trying to accomplish what Kakarot had. He did everything he got a family, he tried everything. But he never accomplished
it until finally he could stand it no more he pushed him over the edge and changed SSJ.
Attacks: Final Flash, Galac Gun, Big Bang, and Rapid Fire.
Quotes: "What is he on?", "You idiot Kakarot you would sacrifice your sons for this incompetent fool and the Namek boy",
"Kakarot you wouldn't happen to be talking about Bulma by any chance...Oh you are, are you well let him kiss your woman."

Race: Human
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue
First time meeting Bulma: Once again we first meet Bulma in the first episode of Dbz. She has one of her first wildly insane
Quotes: "There children not men." C'mon little Trunks go Super Saiyan.

Race: Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Levels Reached: As strong as Goku at his normal stage
First time meeting Uub: we first meet Uub at the end of dragonball z in the last tournament. Goku eggs him on to get him
fired up and Uub gets annoyed and loses it and goes nuts.
Attacks: Kamehameha, Buu’s attacks
Quotes: "You leave my mother out of this", "Fighting is fun but I come from a poor family, so fighting is for fun"

Android 18
Race: Android
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
First Time Meeting Android 18: Android 18 is first introduced after Trunks informs them of a heart disease. 3 yrs later
they are released and kill there creator DR Gero. She becomes good after many years and marries Krillin.
Attacks: Energy Blasts
Quotes: "My father was rather dull"

Goku Jr.
Race:1/8 saiyan, 7/8 human
Eyes Black
Hair: Black
Levels Reached: SSJ
First Time meeting Goku Jr.: We first meet Goku jr. in the last episodes of dragonball GT he goes into a tournament and
is known as Goku’s great great great great grandson.
First Time SSJ: we never new when he first turned SSJ but we first see him change in the episodes where he verses Vegeta
Attacks: Kamehameha
Quotes: It isn't torn it's my great grandfathers.

Vegeta Jr.
Race:1/8 Saiyan, 7/8 Human
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Levels Reached: SSJ
First Time meeting Vegeta Jr.: We first meet Vegeta Jr. in the last episodes of dragonball GT he fights Goku jr. in the
finals of the tournament.
First Time SSJ: We don't know when he changed SSJ but we first see him in the fight against Goku jr.
Attacks: Final Flash, Galac Gun, Big Bang
Quotes: Whoa I didn't know you could change to if I had of I would've cranked this up alot sooner.