Alright I'm going to add in some of my favourite quotes from Dragonball Z Some are funny some are honourable.
1. Goku to Vegeta in the Majin Buu saga after escaping the innards of maijin buu. Gohan, Goten, Trunks and piccolo begin
poping back into size.
"Hey look Vegeta people popcorn"
"What is he on?"
2. Young Trunks says after Piccolo states that 'real fighters plan there fights'
"So you're saying that my father just didn't plan enough, and you think that I'm going to run off and do the same thing.
Well that's the last time. I'm going to be a smarter fighter than my dad ever was!"
3. Gotenks's first words to Piccolo.
Gotenks waves his finger and says "Look you're scared I'll bring back Buu dead!"
"Wait Gotenks Come Back. This is a team effort and I don't agree. So stay here"
"Don't have a heart attack"
4. Gotenks shoots a hole straight through Fat Buu.
"If you're looking for the guy who just turned you into a donut...that would be me."
"Buu make boy dead!"
"ah ah ah, Boy make Buu dead yes yes!"
5. Buu comes back after being pummeled by gotenks and says.
"Mean boy call Buu fat."
"Look you're fat there's no getting round it"
6. Buu just finished transforming into Kid Buu. He lets out one loud yell and then begins hitting his chest like a gorilla.
Vegeta says:
"whoa, gifted speaker."
7. Goku's last words in the cell saga when he is going to blow himself up to save the Earth from the menace Cell.
"What is it Goku, Do you have a plan or something? What, what is it you want us to do?" Krillin asks.
"Listen. There's not much time left and I can only think of one was to save the Earth now." Goku replies.
"Wait I think I know what you have planned Goku you don't have to do this" Trunks said.
"Goodbye Friends" Goku's last words before he instant transmissions over to Gohan.
"Goku, wait don't leave us"Krillin pleads to Goku.
"Hey, you put up a good fight Gohan, I'm proud of you" Goku says to Gohan.
"What? Daddy" Gohan asks.
"Take care of you're mother for me she needs you , tell her that i had to do this, Gohan." Goku says "Goodbye
my son." Those were the last words Gohan heard from his Father. after cell was defeated for 7 years.
8. Cell watches as Gohan begins to unleash his full power.
"Stop it, thats enough" Gohan screams.
A cell junior strikes one of the Z fighters.
"Tell them to stop it" Gohan yells.
"Ah..thats the way let it all go." Cell says smugly to Gohan.
At that Gohan snapped.
9. Gohan's thoughts before his powers were unleashed against Cell.
16, you loved life, you gave everything up to save it and you were just an android I let you die. i can't do that, i
won't watch anymore. I...I feel it slipping...and I won't watch this any..MORE" Gohan screamed. as he let his anger loose
his Super saiyan auta raged with the intensity of a wild fire.
10. Gohan's powers are unleashed. His words to Cell.
"I can never forgive you for what you have done." Cell shivers slightly at the sight of the new Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.
"Ah, you've come out of hiding, now the games will get really interesting."
Gohan grabs the Senzu beans out of cells hand.
"No Games." He says firmly.
11. Gohan says to a scared Cell.
"What's the matter Cell, isn't this what you wanted. Now that you've seen my hidden power, you're afraid. because you
know I'm going to kill you."
Cell flew up into the sky preparing to launch a massive kamehameha wave at Gohan.