
About Me
My Drawings/Fan Art
Contact Me
Movies and TV shows
Video Games
Character Profiles on My Fave anime characters
Dragonball Z info (for those who don't know alot about Dbz)
About Me
Dragonball Z and One Piece Pics
Music and Dragonball Z Quotes(recorded)
Dragonball Z Quotes
Song Lyrics

This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

I might talk about how old I am, what I look like, and what I do for a living. (I'll try to be truthful!)

Alright lets get this party started. Sorry I had to say that. Ok I was born in Australia in Brisbane Queensland...When I finish high school I hope ta get a teaching degree in HPE(Health and Physical education.) I will I know I will*GULP*

Android 17
"My scanners detect that I am much stronger than this model" said about android 16


Fave Movies:
STAR WARS EPISODE 3 REVENGE OF THE SITH I saw it 7 times at the cinemas. I think I'm addicted to it. and no it isn't because Hayden Christensen is in it. I know what some of you are thinking!
Sky High
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Tim Burton's New Version and the Original one.
Corpse Bride aint seen it yet but it looks good so I'm putting it here.
Fave Music:
Yellowcard, Sum 41, Simple plan, Relient K, Danny Elfman, John Williams, Hans Zimmerman music and Bruce Faulconer's Music for Dragonball Z.

Created by Super_Cyp
Super_Cyp is owned by the PS2 Game Evil Twin.
Copyright 2005
Feel Free to take stuff from my site its public anyway.